
Name* Description
Export_GDP Exports / GDP in %
Import_GDP Imports / GDP in %
GDPgrowth GDP variation in %
Unempl Unemployment rate in %
M3_GDP M3 / GDP in %
Debt_GDP Debt / GDP in %
ConsConfid Consumer confidence indicator - balance (difference between positive and negative answers, in percentage points of total answers)
EconSentCurr Economic sentiment indicator - balance (difference between positive and negative answers, in percentage points of total answers)
EconSentNextYr General economic situation over the next 12 months - balance (difference between positive and negative answers, in percentage points of total answers)
IndusConfid Industrial confidence indicatorn - balance (difference between positive and negative answers, in percentage points of total answers)
Inflation HCPI (All-items Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices) variation in %

Source: Eurostat and Datastream (M3)
Source for confidence and sentiment variables: Eurobarometer


AT Austria
BE Belgium
BG Bulgaria
CY Cyprus
CZ Czech Republic
DE Germany
DK Denmark
EE Estonia
ES Spain
FI Finland
FR France
GR Greece
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
IE Ireland
IT Italy
LT Lithuania
LV Latvia
MT Malta
NL Netherlands
PL Poland
PT Portugal
RO Romania
SE Sweden
SI Slovenia
SK Slovakia
UK United Kingdom