Name* | Description |
OtherIntInc | Other interest income |
GrosIntDivNcm | Gross interest and dividend income |
OtherIntExp | Other interest expense |
NetIntInc | Net interest income |
NetFeeComm | Net fees and commissions |
TotNoIntOpNcm | Total non interest operating income |
OtherOperExp | Other operating expenses |
TotNoIntExp | Total non interest expenses |
PreImpOpeProf | Pre impairment operating profit |
LoanImpCharge | Loan impairment charge |
OperatProfit | Operating profit |
PreTaxProfit | Pre tax profit |
TaxExpenses | Tax expense |
NetIncome | Net income |
NetLoans | Net loans |
LoanAdva2Bank | Loans and advances to banks |
Derivatives | Derivatives |
TotSecurities | Total securities |
TotEarnAssets | Total earning assets |
CashDueFrmBnk | Cash and due from banks |
TotalEquity | Total equity |
OtherLiabilit | Other liabilities |
TotLiabilit | Total liabilities |
FixedAssets | Fixed assets |
OtherAssets | Other assets |
TotCustDepos | Total customer deposits |
CommonEquity | Common equity |
TDepMktShrTrm | Total deposits money market and short term funding |
Country Code |
Name |
AT | Austria |
BE | Belgium |
CY | Cyprus |
DE | Germany |
EE | Estonia |
ES | Spain |
FI | Finland |
FR | France |
GR | Greece |
IE | Ireland |
IT | Italy |
LT | Lithuania |
LU | Luxembourg |
LV | Latvia |
MT | Malta |
NL | Netherlands |
PT | Portugal |
SI | Slovenia |
SK | Slovakia |