26 June 2013 - This is a First International Conference update

First International Conference of the SYRTO Project

The University of Brescia hosted on June 25 2013 the First International Conference of the SYRTO project, “SYstemic Risk TOmography: Signals, Measurements, Transmission Channels, and Policy Interventions”, funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme.

After the introduction of the Primary and Scientific Coordinator of the SYRTO Project, Roberto Savona (University of Brescia), the following talks were:

  1. Robert Engle (Director of the Volatility Institute, NYU Stern), Nobel Laureate in Economics, Member of the Advisory Board of the SYRTO Project – Scientific Division.
  2. Ignazio Angeloni (European Central Bank), Director General Financial Stability, Chair of the Financial Stability Committee and of the Task Force on Supervision.
  3. Giovanni Dell’Ariccia (International Monetary Fund), Chief of the Macro-Financial Linkages Unit, Member of the Advisory Board of the SYRTO Project – Policy Division.
  4. Monica Billio (University Cà Foscari Venice), Scientific Coordinator of the SYRTO Project.
  5. Andrea Beltratti (Bocconi University), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Eurizon Capital SGR.



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